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Do you trust your health, your family's health, and potentially your lives to a corporation, or to individuals who have devoted their lives to serving and helping others for over a decade?

YOU are much more than just a credit card number to us - we care about YOU - the individual! 

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"Let food be thy medicine,

and let medicine be thy food."

- Hippocrates

 15+ years!

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Upgrading people's health for

Spiced Date Spread

Our flavorful pumpkin pie spiced date spread is a healthful treat!

  • High in fiber

  • Great source of antioxidants

  • Beneficial for blood sugar control

  • Anti-inflammatory

  • Supports eye health and digestive wellness

  • Lowers the risk of cancer

  • Encourages healthy cardiovascular system

  • Improves cognitive function and learning ability

  • Decreases anxiety

  • Eases natural labor

  • Rich in nutrients and naturally sweet

  • Anti-fungal

Health Benefits of Dates

Spiced Date Spread

Dates are the fruit of the date palm tree. They are a tasty and nutritious snack, dessert, or part of a healthy breakfast - we like to call them nature's caramels because they are sweet, chewy, and sticky when dried!

Our date spread is full of delicious, classic pumpkin pie flavors and is naturally sweetened with no added sugars!

Not only do you get the health benefits of dates with this delicious spread, but you also get the incredible healing powers of cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg, cloves, and ginger! These spices are renowned and respected worldwide and throughout history for their wellness properties.

We recommend trying it on toast, bagels muffins, pancakes, oatmeal, yogurt, ice cream, cheese,
 or even enjoyed straight out of the jar! 

Scroll down for a recipe that highlights this delicious spread. Be sure to come back to check our website for daily recipes, and sign up for our newsletter for inspiration, products, and coupons!
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RECIPES from the Garden







1. Mix all ingredients in a food processor until crumbly.

2. You can add more nuts, coconut, or oatmeal if it is too wet.

3. Roll into roughly 1 inch balls. Can be rolled in coconut or nuts if you like! Refrigerate on a baking sheet for about an hour, then store in a Tupperware for easy snacking!

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This product has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease. We take pride in this fact!

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