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Do you trust your health, your family's health, and potentially your lives to a corporation, or to individuals who have devoted their lives to serving and helping others for over a decade?

YOU are much more than just a credit card number to us - we care about YOU - the individual! 

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"Let food be thy medicine,

and let medicine be thy food."

- Hippocrates

 15+ years!

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Upgrading people's health for

Artisan Vinegar

Our seasonal, handcrafted vinegar alchemies have numerous culinary uses and healthful benefits! 

Health Benefits of Vinegar

  • Antioxidant

  • Antimicrobial

  • Antiviral

  • Contains natural probiotics

  • Boosts immune system and gut health

  • Lowers blood sugar and insulin levels

  • Supports healthy skin

  • Improves cardiovascular health

  • Antifungal

  • Antibacterial

  • Aids weight loss

  • Reduces cholesterol

  • Disinfectant

  • Alleviates congestion

  • Encourages detox pathways

Delicious Artisan Vinegar

Our organic Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is made by combining apples, sugar, distilled water, and beneficial bacteria and yeast. The sugars ferment into acetic acid, the chemical compound that gives vinegar its signature sour flavor and smell!

Vinegar is commonly used in the culinary arts in both raw and cooked dishes, but it is also well respected throughout history for its numerous uses and healing benefits!
We have 2 powerful organic blends this season: a Sipping ACV, and a Medicinal ACV.

As the name implies, our Sipping ACV is delicious in an elixir or raw dressing! It is smoother with a milder tartness than our potent Medicinal ACV. It has a slightly sweet flavor profile, and is very enjoyable to drink for pleasure or medicinally.

Our Medicinal ACV is stronger and more sour. While it is indeed extremely tasty with food, it may be a bit too pungent for drinking casually. We recommend taking it when your system calls for it. It is also potent enough to be used around the house and home for dozens of cleaning uses! 
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With the great sustainable care and artisanal touch that goes into making each unique batch of our Vinegars, you might want to save it for savoring! However if you truly want to optimize this amazing substance, here are some of the amazing uses of both types of our Vinegar:

Some of the Amazing Uses of Vinegar!

  • Erase pen marks

  • Remove carpet stains

  • Hair conditioner

  • Disinfect surfaces

  • Deodorize drains

  • Eliminate skunk odor

  • Polish silver, brass, and copper

  • Clean sticky scissors

  • Remove tape

  • Clean sinks and bathtubs

  • Whiten laundry

  • Remove coffee stains

  • Take a shot of vinegar with chopped garlic to fend off colds and flu

  • Supports the health of cats and dogs too! Simply give them a teaspoon to tablespoon in their drinking water 

RECIPES from the Garden







1. Mix all ingredients and enjoy! Especially beneficial first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.

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This product has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease. We take pride in this fact!

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